Ghost in My Machine

The new iPhone is complete with an intelligent personal assistant named Siri. Upon your command, Siri will set the alarm, send a text, or dial a number. She also verbally responds when you ask a question or make a statement… responses include  “I live to serve,” “I aim to please,” and my all time favorite, […]

Reflective Perspective

Post-op instructions: __  Elevate left foot above heart __  Walk with crutches __  Shower with bag over cast These instructions appear totally simple and do-able – all so helpful to heal the incisions of my left foot. How could the Dose not follow Doctor’s orders? Yet I needed to follow these directions for a sum […]

2012 – Year of your choice

In the Chinese calendar, this year, 2012, is the year of the Dragon. Naming the year… interesting concept and possibly a model for us individuals. Whether one makes resolutions or creates yearly personal goals, a new year provides us the setting to recreate, improve, or advance our lives. An artist wouldn’t ignore a blank canvas… […]