Leaky Pipes

One life lesson my father imparted on my sisters and me was not to build a drain for the drip. If a water pipe is dripping, find and fix the leak, don’t just build a drain. Medically speaking it’s the equivalent to treating only the symptoms not the source…like prescribing a cough suppressant as effective treatment for lung cancer.

As I think about society, business behaviors, and the like, I see drains being built for the different types of drips. Here’s a short list:

1.) turning up the car radio volume to “drown” out the unusual noise from the car engine
2.) creating more processes to overcome the lack of accountability from working team members
3.) buying bigger sized clothes instead of losing weight

Despite my father’s advice, in my 20’s I built drains for drips. And I will confess, my drains were built to avoid pain and suffering for the consequences of my poor choices.

Building a drain provides ease and comfort …temporarily… but the drip remains and, in the long run, you drown!

Fixing the drip takes blood, sweat, and tears. But in the end, problem solved without regret.

Is there a problem you are dealing with? Take my father’s advice: don’t build a drain – fix the drip!


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