Muscle Up!

The dinner party had started… the table was set, guests had arrived, and burgers were grilling. The Dose was in her glory, visiting friends and meeting new people. Little did I know that at this dinner table I was going to exercise!

My exercise for that night was keeping my mouth shut.

You see, while a lively conversation was happening, one particular couple started a spat – publicly. Their actions activated the Dose mind…should couples publicly argue, claw at and degrade each other? Is this a symptom of an ill-matched couple? And, most importantly – at what point can I step into this conversation? Silence is golden but the Dose likes platinum!

Holding back comments, statements, or any others words within a sentence is an exercise that is as critical as the pumping heart muscle. Making my viewpoint known – in this situation – would have brought me right down to their level of bad behavior.

There is a time to speak and a time to exercise silence. …muscle up!


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