Dose of Donna is Now Available as a Book!
Dose of Donna: Inspiring Lessons from Everyday Life—is a prescriptive photo essay of curated life lessons to inspire, encourage, and ignite the mind.
Reflections from the jeep
I recently had the opportunity to experience a South African safari—complete with a jeep, a guide, and lots of animals on the loose! No doubt, the Dose learned much from the guide, but most interesting to me were my own observations. Did you know… The same stayed with the same.
“You’ve come a long way, baby!”
A car is no baby, but some of us treat our car like one, particularly a new car. Upon observation, folks with a new car seem to drive more carefully, park far from the other cars in a lot, and keep the inside and outside of the car clean at
The Seven Dwarfs
Doc. Grumpy. Happy. Sleepy. Bashful. Sneezy. Dopey. These names reflect their person… what they are seen as or for. All but Doc, as he was known to mix up words. Guess they didn’t think Mix-up was a good name for this fellow. I really do like the story of Snow
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Dose of Donna Book
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Westbow Press