Dear Younger Me

There are written letters from older folks to their younger selves. These letters contain the “if I only knew” information that would have prevented many mishaps and possibly change the trajectory of their “today.”

I’ve never written one to myself, but my mind keeps a mental note to remind the Dose of the following: 

  • Be ready to take the hard road… an easy road doesn’t make it the right road
  • Be sincere… pleasing others solely to please others backfires
  • Be patient… with others and yourself, we are only human 
  • Be slow in action… haste truly makes waste 
  • Be engaged in life… it will engage you back 10-fold
  • Be an investor in people… people need people, and so do you  
  • Be kind to others and especially to yourself… acts of kindness are a soothing balm for the soul  
  • Be a continuous learner…always – always – always be learning, your mind will thank you 
  • Be communicative… thoughtfully and kindly    
  • Be mindful of your motives… if the motive is based on selfish ambition, your action will come back to bite you

Take heart… remember to always give love and be loved. 


Older – Much Wiser – Me 

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