Here we are—a new year, a new start, and a new ______. (You fill in the blank.)
For some, that blank is filled with the word “resolution” or a word to live by.
For the Dose, my blank is filled in with “set of goals.”
Goals, unlike resolutions, require steps that are taken to achieve success. It is not something that I can achieve on January 1st, 2nd, 3rd. It is all about working towards something. This allows for setbacks and delays.
I love goals… they motivate me, challenge me, and provide me with successes along the year.
Those goals that push me beyond are my stretch goals… like my 2025 goal to climb a notably high mountain.
With such a goal in mind documented on paper, I have reason to train my body for such an event. Without this goal, well, let’s just say I would sit every day for more hours than prescribed by my doctor!
My goals will ultimately lead me to making 2025 a year of possibilities.
How about you… what will you say about this year on December 31, 2025?
4 Responses
Good advice. Achieving realistic goals makes life so much easier. Happy 2025 ,Donna
Thank you for this inspiring Dose! I haven’t thought about the difference between resolutions and goals, especially the idea that goals allow for setbacks and delays. That’s very encouraging! Happy 2025!
Happy New Year, Jean (and John)!
Happy New Year, Patrice!
You are the “Queen” of goal setting… looking forward to discussing our individual 2025 goals!