a – MUSE – ing

Years ago, the Dose participated in a creative artists’ workshop. Being amongst other creative folks, I frequently heard the question asked, “What’s your muse?” 

So it was appropriate for the Dose to ask her artist sister, “What’s your muse?”

The conversation quickly turned into a comedic banter with silly questions such as “Are muses just amusers?” and “Can someone be an amusing muse?”

As fun as this lighthearted discussion was, the Dose had to muse about the muse. 

What is my source of inspiration to write my life lessons?  How does my muse show up at the time of need? Could I be a muse for someone else? 

It wasn’t long after pondering such thoughts that the Dose recognized a reciprocal relationship between muses. Those who glean from my life lessons inspire me to write, and I inspire them forward to be the finest version of themselves.  

As amusing as this may sound, everyone needs a muse to help create their best life. Who is yours? 


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