Location, location, location

Square peg in a round hole. Fish out of water. Misfit. Odd duck. Call it what you will, feeling out of place is downright uncomfortable. Unfortunately, it took the Dose a long time to figure out that when I’m displaced, there’s nothing wrong with the place or with me…it’s the combination of the two that’s […]

Why? Why? Why?

Sounds like the start of a dose from a 2 year old! But it’s not… it’s the Dose pondering the “whys” of life. And, sad to say, I’ve got theories but no answers to the infamous question “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Back in 2003, the company employing me was running out […]

Rest up not on

Whether we list them on our resumes, hang up the diplomas, or place the trophies on the mantel, many of us want to “display” our accomplishments. Why not, when we have something to be proud of. Trouble starts, however, when we rely on our historical successes to achieve in our current affairs.  Laurels are not […]