Could. Would. Should. 

I could… I would… but should I? 

Should. Interesting word. 

It is stated frequently enough by me and others that it got the Dose thinking. 

When the word should is stated, there is an undertone of shame built in. 

Think about it… do you hear what I hear? 

If I should be doing something, it may mean that I’m neglectful, irresponsible, or possibly clueless or a slacker. 

When I hear myself say the word “should,” I stop myself and process why I am not doing whatever it is I should be doing. 

Could it be that I don’t really want to do those “should” things? 

Because if I did want to do it, I would be doing it! 

Photo: Staircase in the Vatican  2018

6 Responses

  1. Should can be a procrastination word for those who just think about doing something!
    Could of, would of, and should of are about the past
    One can’t do anything about it now

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