Dot Com(munity)

These dots mean absolutely nothing until they are connected. With the stroke of a pen, the dots can be connected to form a picture – one that that could never be without the participation of other dots.

Some days the Dose feels just like one of these dots – unconnected and quite frankly, without meaning. It’s on those days that I notice my lack of connectivity with others even though people are all around me. This “dot” didn’t realize that if another “dot” didn’t reach out, I needed to. Key word: need.

I need people. I need them to help me… to socialize and share life with. And let’s not be fooled – the Dose needs people to love and be loved by… don’t you?

Despite Streisand’s lyrics, I’m not a “luckiest people.” The Dose is just like you and everyone else… all people need people.

One dot need not connect to all, but by reaching out and connecting with one, which further connects to the next, here in forms the basis for humanity.

“Connect the Dots” – it’s not just a game… it’s living.


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