Memories in the Making

Healthcare organizations are checking in with patients to see how their experience was. 

Internet site owners want to know how the user experience was for those connecting to their websites. 

And the Dose does all to ensure those around me have a pleasurable experience while hanging out with me! 

Years ago, while on a business trip, the Dose unknowingly provided my colleague with an experience that is still spoken about as being a great memory. Back then I created plans for what is known as the travel-non-business day. The plan included a tour of Alcatraz and a visit to Ghirardelli’s for signature ice cream sundaes. These activities are what most travelers do while in San Fran, so nothing extraordinary here. But it was how this day unfolded that made it an enjoyable experience for the two of us. By checking in with each other throughout the day, desires were stated and compromises were made. Win – Win! 

The flavor of experiences today determines the memory emojis for tomorrow. 

Create an enjoyable experience. Make a great memory. 


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