One Small Part of a Bigger Whole 

One day the Dose just had to make sweet potato chips with the new mandolin…the safe cutting tool used to make thin slices of just about any vegetable. What makes it a safe tool is the safety guard… the piece I decided I didn’t need to use! 

So there I was, with my pinky finger gushing blood, awaiting the healing hands of the ER doc. Sure the Dose felt a bit queasy at the time, but not as bad as the following two days.   

For two days, my whole body was affected by the cut on my tiniest finger. 

This got me thinking… what else mimics this effect? 

Families: when one member of the family is down and out… the whole clan is affected. 

Sports teams: when one player is incapacitated, the team is at risk of losing. 

Car engines: all parts work in conjunction with other parts, so when one is malfunctioning… we call the mechanic! 

Never underestimate anything considered small… the impact may be bigger than you think! 

4 Responses

  1. I was afraid to keep reading, once you said you weren’t using the safety guard. I’m a little afraid of mandolins.


  2. Hope you are feeling better. It is so true that when one piece is missing or malfunctioning the affects are felt all around!

  3. Jean,

    Thank you!

    This event happened awhile ago but the lesson learned has not been forgotten!

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