Reflective Perspective

Post-op instructions:

__  Elevate left foot above heart

__  Walk with crutches

__  Shower with bag over cast

These instructions appear totally simple and do-able – all so helpful to heal the incisions of my left foot. How could the Dose not follow Doctor’s orders? Yet I needed to follow these directions for a sum total of two months. Eight weeks. Sixty days. 1440 hours… a forever amount of time when only a day has passed.

My private thoughts were something like this:

Day one: not too bad

Day two: not bad

Day three: bad

Day four: brutal

Day five: get this cast off

Day six through Day 60 my mindset changed… for my sake, it had to. The stress of not being able to “do” was doing me in!  So I gave myself permission to keep my feet up and just be – being okay to not be all so productive.

My major responsibility was to let my foot heal. Seeing it as a temporary assignment, the Dose put this event into perspective.

Two months in a cast? No problem. As my mother would have reminded me – it’s not a whole lot of time in the scope of one’s life.


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