Say What?

Have you ever been in a situation where you just didn’t know what to say? 

The Dose has been in many, and I’ve witnessed things that probably shouldn’t have been spoken. Like the woman who asked my dying mother, “If they diagnosed you sooner, would your prognosis be better?”

And let me not be remiss in disclosing that I, too, have said seemingly foolish things. 

As I analyze those times of foolishness, it was typically when I truly didn’t know what to say.

What do you say to a person with the diagnosis of cancer? 

If you are like the Dose, coming to the rescue with uplifting words of encouragement seems appropriate. Yet that is the last thing the hurting party wants to hear. The same holds true for questions asked out of curiosity. Duh! 

I’ve done the research… these folks desire kind acts from understanding hearts. It’s these acts that provide the unspoken words – I’m here for you – in the form of a hug, a held hand, or a listening ear. 

Say what? Say nothing… Just do!


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