The Best Year of My Life…

…thus far!

Play the word association game with the word “resolution” and usually the following phrases are front of mind: dieting, exercising, and quit (fill-in-the-blank)-ing.

Resolutions—most of us have made them along the way, and most of us have ditched them on the side of the road by springtime.

This past year, the Dose made an unusual resolution. One that was sustained every single month.

As 2017 marked the year of a very big birthday, the Dose just had to make this year different from the rest… one that would be memorable, be exciting, and catapult me into the next decade with no regrets.

And with that, I lived this past year as if it were my last. Though it sounds somewhat morbid, it was the year I fully lived!

Every month I secured something to look forward to—an event, a vacation, or a self-improvement activity. In addition, the Dose stopped overthinking and made several decisions to complete home-related transformations.

The Dose was fully engaged by intentionally taking the first steps towards participating in what life had to offer. This behavior circled around the question “What will I say I did during this very special year?”

Don’t waste time… what do you want to say about 2018?

Happy New Year!

One Response

  1. Hi Dose,

    Happy New Year! Thanks for this great message and reminder to live every year as if it were my last. This year, 2018, marks my BIG year so I’m going to take your advice, starting today.

    Happy 2018!


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