The Language of Languages

Though my mother was born in the States, she spoke fluent Armenian… making the conversation between her and my grandmother very foreign to me. 

When I was younger, I had no interest in learning a second language – English was enough for the Dose to comprehend and grasp! 

Regardless of one’s linguistic nature, the language of love is probably the easiest to learn. 

As love is a verb, it needs no words… yet it can be conveyed in the distinctive language that the recipient understands and desires. 

There are many languages of love, which speak differently… conveying affirmation, serving others, giving gifts, providing one-on-one time, and/or hugging tightly.

My love language leans towards one-on-one time topped off with a big hug (virtually acceptable) from those I love. Material gifts, affirmations, and driving Miss Donna, though appreciated, are not my love speak. Those who know and love me know this too!

Tell someone you love that you know them by speaking their love language. But first remember to investigate their speak! 


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