Trickle up economics! 

My father taught me well when it came to finances. He told me that purchasing a car wasn’t the end of the money train. There was car insurance, oil and filter changes, gasoline, etc. 

How true – so true! 

Early on in my understanding phase of this lesson, the Dose bought a fur coat… I know, what was I thinking? Obviously, I wasn’t! 

With this purchase, there was insurance. Yes. Insurance for a coat. Then there was the cost of yearly winter storage required in the hot summer months. All for the sake of preserving this expensive coat. 

Needless to say, I eventually donated the coat and never looked back. Wool and down now adorn me in the winter season! 

Whatever the purchase, I’m prone to think – what else is required to ensure good use of the product? If follow-on up costs can be avoided, I’m in. 

This principle also applies to the so-called free programs. With many folks touting their services to increase your social media presence, for example, their real secrets are only shared later, in their fee-for-service programs. 

It is a fact of life: Free is not free, and many costs can lead to additional spending. 

In the words of an old mantra: Buyer beware! 

 Photo: My two extravagant purchases back in 1983 that led to a trickle up effect! 

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