Wait a Minute, Hour, Day, Month, …

Red – stop; Green – go; Yellow – wait.

Love the green… dread the red. As for that virtual pause button – the yellow light is an apparent annoyance nuisance sign of torture!

Waiting was the name of the game in my childhood. My sisters and I had to wait for a certain age before we could stay up to watch Ed Sullivan on TV, get our ears pierced, or date boys. Though the light was yellow, we knew the signal to go was only a matter of time age.

Into adulthood, waiting doesn’t seem as easy since guarantees of what we want are never provided. And at times, it seems that we are forever stuck at the yellow light of life.

The Dose has been there – stuck, paused, and waiting… and waiting… and waiting. With no signal to move, it’s tempting to forge ahead and it’s easier to stop and turn around. Yet both moves are fraught with risk. The road lights of life will change as they always do. Red will prevent danger; green will provide more than a heart’s delight… kind of like the reward for being so damn patient!

Waiting: it’s not for the faint at heart – it’s for those with a heart that doesn’t faint.


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