Zero Change w/o Consequence 

There are a plethora of self-help gurus, books, podcasts, and seminars on how to change a behavior. 

I’ve read some, listened to some, and have come to the conclusion that one simple method works for the Dose. 

If I want change, there needs to be a consequence if I don’t make the change. 

One instance relates to the time my mother would graciously drive me to my college-related workplace. On those days, she would prod and probe me to be on time as she, too, was heading into her place of work. 

Well, one day the Dose was slower than ever to get ready. Nothing got me to move faster than hearing my mother’s car pull out of the driveway!

Yes… my mother left without me because I was not on time! 

Mean? No. It was the consequence required for this much-needed change in behavior. Walking two miles at lightning speed to get to work may not have been fun, but it was surely memorable. This situation took place back in the late 70’s! 

Look to the consequences and adjust behaviors accordingly!

Photo: My walking adventure back in 2021 – the 224 steps to the top of Seven Falls in Colorado Springs. 

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