1 January 2021. 01/01/21. January 1, 2021

However you write the date, today is the first day of the first month of a new year. 

This year could mark the end of the pandemic. For the Dose, it’s the year I take a giant step into uncharted waters… the start of new work-related experiences and challenges for self-improvement. 

Reading inspiring memoirs and listening to motivational speakers on YouTube, the Dose is ready to get up and get going!

What does that look like? Intentionality of words I speak and write, of things I do each and every day. And implementation of things I truly want and need to do.  Aspirational – yes. But isn’t that how all “it” all begins? 

So, the Dose is planning on sharing weekly challenges – microdoses – via Instagram. These doses are to provide weekly charges to intentionally embrace and apply action. And though these challenges may just be a way for me to engage publicly with something I need…  I’ve learned along the way that inspiration is what many other people need as well. 

Care to join me in living intentionally during the year of 2021? Follow me!

4 Responses

  1. My word(s) for the year are … “start small”, even with my big goals. I’ll enjoy following your goals, too.

    Fondly, Glenda

  2. I’m very much looking forward to following the weekly “microdoses”! I think I’m more reactional in life and simply juggling what comes at me. Inspired to try to live more intentionally and see what comes from it!

  3. I’m very much looking forward to following the weekly “microdoses”! I think I’m definitely more reactional in life – just juggling what comes at me. The idea of “living intentionally” hasn’t really crossed my mind ever I think – looking forward to see what positive changes it could bring!


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