Ears Wide Open

June had two requests on her 40th birthday – love and listening! It was the listening that captured the Dose’s attention. 

Who doesn’t want to be heard? Paid attention to? Respected when speaking? 

In this day and age, politics and religion are not topics to be at the proverbial table. Nope. Too emotional. Too confrontational. Too much. Full Stop – Period! 

But what if we really listened?

Though I sometimes try to avoid “challenging” topics, when they come up the Dose has found it beneficial to meet people where they are. When someone has a different opinion than mine, I have at least two options – badger/humiliate/condemn them til death do us part (!) or listen with ears wide open. 

What does that second option look like? I try to listen, to ask inquisitive (not confrontational) questions to learn more about their viewpoint. What’s the harm in that? And I usually find that they reciprocate. Now we both have expressed our points, learning the whys of our differences. 

Caught in conversations that are heating you up inside? Chill. Respect the difference and, more importantly, listen fully with ears wide open. Isn’t that what you want from others? 

 My older sister, June, had it right – the gift of listening is as priceless as love! 

3 Responses

  1. What can I say… seeing my words in print is amazing.
    I always believed that the greatest gift a child could give to their mom was the ability to love her and listen to her valuable words of wisdom!


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