Human Statues

Statues at museums and those in public places are set up high to foster an upward gaze. 

Looking up to those carved sculptures can provide a sense of awe as we study the work of art–and probably a sense of admiration for the person captured in stone. 

We too can be considered a statue, a human statue otherwise known as a role model, for those who choose to look up and emulate the you in them. 

In the business world, there are leaders who mentor those new in their careers. That’s role modeling for a cause. 

But what about role-models for living life well? 

No surprise that my mother was my role model. I watched her make a home, engage in volunteer activities, start a professional career later in life, and most importantly, live out her faith. All those accomplishments were done with grace and excellence. 

Be aware, others could be on the lookout for their role model, which may be you! 

Act well, make decisions wisely, and smile… you never know if a “mini you” will soon be in the making! 

One Response

  1. Your mother was definitely a role model in many ways. She has 3 daughters who continue in her steps. Sarah was a wonderful person !


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