Kindness is a currency


The worth of a dollar bill is different in each country, yet the value of kindness is the same worldwide. It’s a unique currency that is freely given yet never depletes.

To me, a person who is kind different than a person who is nice. Nice people do seemingly nice things… kind people do what is right for the other person.

To me, the act of kindness has a spirit of generosity… and one of consideration. Like love, it places the other person before themselves.

To me, practicing random acts of kindness cannot be forced. It needs to come naturally, intuitively, and from the heart.

To me, kindness was not meant to be hoarded… it’s the currency that is intended to be disbursed.

To me, I see one act of kindness sparking the next… as kindness begets kindness.

To me, kindness comforts the soul and brings joy to the spirit…to both the giver and receiver.

Therefore, to me, the more kindness that is expended… the richer the kind person becomes.

The Dose has kindness to spend… do you?



One Response

  1. So true. I keep a screen saver on my computer desktop to help remind me. It says, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”


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