New Normal?

So much to learn as the world experiences the coronavirus pandemic. We have been taught what it takes to “flatten the curve.” The contagiousness of this virus. And the history of pandemics.

Actions had to be taken: social distancing, strapping on face masks, gloving up before entering a food store, and the dreaded shelter-in-place.

In short order, office worker bees had to figure out WebEx or Skype. Church groups and the like jumped on the Google Meet platform and social butterflies quickly set up gatherings via Zoom!

Working from home is mingling with home schooling.

Each day merges into the next… this week seems exactly like the last one and so it will be for the week that follows.

Some refer to this as the new normal.

After grand traumatic events, such as 9.11.01 and the 2013 Boston Marathon, a new normal occurred. Airports are now different. And what spectators bring to large events are now highly scrutinized. 

COVID-19 has changed our world. Lives have been lost and suffering is rampant. Nevertheless, the kindness of people has reigned.

This event, too, will create a New Normal. What will this look like for you?

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