Note to Self

You know these notes to self – notes to remind you of your to-do list or whatever else you need to remember.

Other notes to self are those letters written to the “younger you” from the “older, wiser you.” The Dose had never written such a note, but when I was asked what I would say to my younger self, I knew the note would be short, simply stating, “It all works out in the end.” 

Interesting that I was confronted with this question at the time the Dose was in the metaphorical hallway between a door closing and a window opening. I’ve heard–and have experienced from the past–that it is hell in this hallway! 

Looking back on the twists and turns of my life, the Dose now sees that everything does work out in the end… and I’m believing these workouts are all for my best. Life lessons have been learned – hopefully lessons to be shared with others and not to be re-learned by me.

As I pace in the hallway of today, the Dose will go back to the future in order to remind me of that all-important note to self: “It all works out in the end.” 

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