Possessing Possessions

Long ago the Dose bought her first car with her own car loan. This was a big deal back in the day. But what was a bigger deal is that I kept that car for 30 years! 

This car was a fun-to-drive car – complete with a hand cranked moonroof, lots of chrome, and large car windows… no back-up cameras needed! 

Over the years, despite having another car, I also hung onto my first car. Cost was not spared to ensure this old relic of mine continued to serve its purpose… providing me a fun ride on the weekends.  

Bottom line: the car was kept in mint condition and, sad to say, “loved” by me. 

Eventually the time came when this possession of mine possessed me! 

This single gal truly didn’t need to have the two cars… and the Dose certainly didn’t appreciate the chore of running out to the garage during cold days to check the functioning status of the car battery. As for the cost of the upkeep… I take the fifth. 

Things, as nice as they can be with or without a nostalgic or sentimental value, can sometimes just take over… one’s time, money, and obsession. 

Whatever the material possession that is in your possession, make sure you are the possessor and not the possessed! 

One Response

  1. Thirty years! Wow! It looks like it was a beauty! But I guess all of us are possessed by some material object and eventually we will come to our senses and let go!


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