The Mark of Excellence


My name is Donna and I am not perfect… neither is the Dose, for that matter!

Hopefully this statement doesn’t come as a surprise.

And I expect you realize that you, too, are not perfect.

No human being is perfect.

I am wrong at times. I don’t always do the right thing. And I don’t always follow the Dose advice I dish out to others.

And with that, the Dose knows that I am right at times, I do the right thing most times, and I follow my own good advice many times.

I’m sure the same holds true for you… no one can be right all the time.

Falling short is inevitable.

Failing happens.

The mark of excellence is getting up and trying again.

It’s simple and achievable… it’s doing and being one’s best.

Move past perfection and go for the gold… be that person of excellence!



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