Thirty-one Days and Counting!

One month into a new year… and how are we doing? 

Are you living your word for the year? Working on your resolutions? 

Whether or not you are one of those who set out to make changes starting on January 1st, making changes any day of the month or week should be considered.  What matters most is making that change – with good intent, of course! 

Trolling YouTube, the Dose often stumbles upon videos related to charges – aka motivations to develop new habits. The videos that fascinate me the most are those that suggest a timeframe. The timeframe is to provide a set number of days for said change. The hope is that, once someone has experienced the benefits of their new-found habit, the stop date becomes infinity. 

So, I jumped on this bandwagon and for 30 days I did not ingest foods with added forms of sugar… specifically, those in the form of cookies, cakes, and ice cream – the items at the base of my food pyramid! 

Habits are developed with intentionality… without intention it doesn’t matter when you start, as it’s the duration that reflects the strength of your intention! 

Day 31 and my food pyramid has flipped thus far! 

One Response

  1. Good words to live by. Once you have achieved success it is a must to keep it going……the duration is so important !


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