Unreasonable Path Forward

To get to the top, one must climb up. To learn more, one must advance in one’s studies. To more forward, the car must be in drive… not in reverse.

So it would seem unreasonable to think that taking a step or two back is a rationale path to moving forward. 

As you may expect, the Dose does have a relatable life experience… one that was learned out of following my instinct, not the rationalization of those around me! 

The unreasonable path: taking a demotion with the associated (significant) cut in pay, all for professional growth. I was in fresh new work waters and, though the Dose had some key competences for the job, I was clueless in doing 80% of things I was responsible for! 

Over the 36 months of employment at this job, my pay was supplemented by priceless non-tangibles. Specifically: gaining skills and expertise that catapulted my career with larger positions and greater pay in other companies. Yet the real, unexpected bonus was the birth of Dose of Donna and the friendship developed with the one who edits every written dose! 

Sometimes taking unreasonable paths may  bring us what we need, not just what we think we want! 

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