
Walk the Tightrope
Nik Wallenda–daredevil, trapeze artist, the man who went across Niagara Falls on a tightrope to inspire others to live their dreams. Since the age of

Apple, Cherry, Pecan, and….
What’s not to like about a pie? There’s the crust that consists of butter… lots of butter! The pie filling can range from fruits to

Joy is in the air
Joy is in the air. All people patient, all the time. Kindness isn’t random… it’s constant. Hatred is conquered by the abundance of love. DNA

The Winning “Ticket”
Contestants on the Biggest Loser are on the show to lose a tremendous amount of weight. Their goal to drop pounds is accomplished by reducing

Dollars and Sense
It was simple arithmetic, mixed in with growing up during the Great Depression, that gave my parents their smarts about money management. At an early

A Life Requirement
Spring is complete with gardens in full bloom and playgrounds in full motion. Children sliding on the slides, swinging on the swings, and venturing across

Do unto you
It doesn’t need to be a summer day for the Dose to get lazy… that can happen in a blink of an eye–at any time

Mirror, mirror, on the wall…
how am I perceived by all? As I look in the mirror, the Dose can’t help but see only what I want to see or

Two in One
Bumper stickers are interesting reading, especially when sitting in traffic. Some are funny. Some reflect the car owner. Yet there are others that are thought

The Heart Beat of Life
Name a song about love and you’ll find many love-related associations. Here’s a sampling: Love will keep us together. Love hurts. Love is what the

A Priceless Gift
I am a woman of many words, thoughts, and commentaries. The good news is I now pause between thought and verbalization in hopes of sparing

Wait a Minute, Hour, Day, Month, …
Red – stop; Green – go; Yellow – wait. Love the green… dread the red. As for that virtual pause button – the yellow light

Number Five
Honor they parents. There is nothing in those commandments about friends superseding parents. So why would a parent strive for a friendship with their children?

Caught Yellow-turning-Red Handed
He said it was red… I’m sure it was yellow. Regardless of what the Dose had to say about the situation, I received a $100

“Going to the Dogs”
Ivan Pavlov, a man known for his dogs… the dogs that simply responded to a ringing bell rather than applying critical thinking. As a child,

Ghost in My Machine
The new iPhone is complete with an intelligent personal assistant named Siri. Upon your command, Siri will set the alarm, send a text, or dial

Reflective Perspective
Post-op instructions: __ Elevate left foot above heart __ Walk with crutches __ Shower with bag over cast These instructions appear totally simple and do-able

2012 – Year of your choice
In the Chinese calendar, this year, 2012, is the year of the Dragon. Naming the year… interesting concept and possibly a model for us individuals.

Lights – Color – Action
Blue and White Red and Green Silver and Gold These colors can all represent one thing – December! Yes, this is the month that is

A Year Long Holiday
A gourmet farm shop is known for providing samplings of their fruits, vegetables, and homemade dishes. So during this season it wasn’t unusual for Wilson’s

It’s as easy as A B C
On the count of three… One… Two… Two and a half…. Two and three quarters… Anything could be happening after that statement is verbalized. Growing

Aprons not required
Top chefs and master bakers have sacred recipes that have been tested to perfection. Each ingredient is measured with accuracy and carefully added ensuring the

til death do us part
Whenever I hear about a person dying or of a death, the Dose ponders the question “What would that person do differently if they could

Listening Ear
Dear Listening Ear, What a bad day I had today. I should have known that it was going to be such a day when I

Is the price right?
Everything has a price, and success is no exception. To an employee, creating a name for oneself, receiving recognition, and accomplishing yearly goals can be

Bubbles on the Beach
The Dose loves all facets of summer – taking time off, hosting BBQs, and blowing soap bubbles. Little did I know that the simple bubble

Location, location, location
Square peg in a round hole. Fish out of water. Misfit. Odd duck. Call it what you will, feeling out of place is downright uncomfortable.

Why? Why? Why?
Sounds like the start of a dose from a 2 year old! But it’s not… it’s the Dose pondering the “whys” of life. And, sad

Rest up not on
Whether we list them on our resumes, hang up the diplomas, or place the trophies on the mantel, many of us want to “display” our