
Thirty-one Days and Counting!
One month into a new year… and how are we doing? Are you living your word for the year? Working on your resolutions? Whether or

Share Happy
“Success is nothing without someone you love to share it with.” Billy Dee Williams in the movie Mahogany. Share (remotely, if necessary) the celebratory cake, bubbly,

A Smart Cookie
The small piece of paper tucked inside the partly folded cookie read, “Our truest life is when we are in our dreams awake.” The Dose

Stay Still
These words are often spoken to children as they wiggle and haphazardly run around. Adults behave this way too, more so mentally. Need some mental

Human Statues
Statues at museums and those in public places are set up high to foster an upward gaze. Looking up to those carved sculptures can provide

Show Compassion
People are hurting. Covid19 is apt to be the cause, so is losing a loved one, a job, or a dream. Whatever the ache, people

a – MUSE – ing
Years ago, the Dose participated in a creative artists’ workshop. Being amongst other creative folks, I frequently heard the question asked, “What’s your muse?” So

Ignite the Sparkle
With each new year, a new start provides the fuel to ignite the sparkle. The sparkle lights up, spreads out, and ignites other sparkles. Ignite

1 January 2021. 01/01/21. January 1, 2021
However you write the date, today is the first day of the first month of a new year. This year could mark the end of

Freak OUT!
A Control Freak is a person who feels an obsessive need to exercise control over themselves and others and to take command of any situation.

Ears Wide Open
June had two requests on her 40th birthday – love and listening! It was the listening that captured the Dose’s attention. Who doesn’t want to

Looking through the camera lens of your eye
As a lover of photography, the Dose knows firsthand the different effects, views, and perspectives from the many types of camera lenses. A wide-angle lens

Because My Mother Said
She told me time after time, “Donna, don’t ever forget, there are more good people on this earth than bad.” Who’s the she? My mother,

New Normal?
So much to learn as the world experiences the coronavirus pandemic. We have been taught what it takes to “flatten the curve.” The contagiousness of

The Low-End Reading Group
Third grade. A formative year. A year I remember well… unfortunately for sad reasons. It was the year I was placed in the low-end

Chit Chat Chaos
With the largest audience of any American magazine, People magazine does something right. And that ‘right’ is its content… it’s all about people! People read,

The Green-Eyed Monster
There were two similar tricycles in the yard: 2-year-old Ray was on one and 3-year-old, Nshaun, was to ride the other one. Can you

March 23rd 2008 – Revisited
Rewind the tape – it’s March 23, 2007 circa 8 AM… I received news that I could barely process – Paul died in his

Reflective Perspective
Post-op instructions: Elevate left foot above heart – Check! Walk with crutches – Check! Shower with

The Life Cycle of an Apology
When I was growing up, mother required many things from the Dose… doing chores, practicing table manners and, my least favorite, saying, “I’m sorry” when

Kindness is a currency
The worth of a dollar bill is different in each country, yet the value of kindness is the same worldwide. It’s a unique currency

The Mark of Excellence
My name is Donna and I am not perfect… neither is the Dose, for that matter! Hopefully this statement doesn’t come as a surprise.

Passion: ‘Today’
The Westin Hotel employees in Maine have name badges complete with a display of their passion. Michael the concierge listed his passion as travel, but

We on the Train
In the movie, the girl on the train mentally created a reality about people in houses that lined the train track. She envisioned a loving

In and out… sans the burgers!
The Dose has a friend, let’s call her Wendy. Wendy is one of those city dwellers with a two-bedroom condo. Square-foot wise, she’s considered

Busy as a Buzzing Bee
That word – busy – has a certain connotation for the Dose… I can only picture a busy person moving papers from one pile to

The Ultimate Icon
Icons are images known to all. Think about it… three black circles strategically placed, and you see Mickey Mouse! Icons are creative and cool. They

The Best Year of My Life…
…thus far! Play the word association game with the word “resolution” and usually the following phrases are front of mind: dieting, exercising, and quit (fill-in-the-blank)-ing.